The challenges of Covid have presented itself once again with restrictions changing and an ongoing uncertainty which has forced us to make some difficult decisions but we remain positive and are confident in our ability to pull off Hex Lockdown 2021 on July 9.
With the travel requirements / restrictions still in place we have decided to host a joint show with Path to Hex which will allow some of Australia’s best amateurs to experience the big show as they transition into professionals. The main card of Hex Lockdown will be uncompromised and feature some of the best talent Australia has to offer.
Our amateur main event will see Bjorn Leitch defend his Path to HEX Featherweight Title against Nick Field. Both Melbourne locals and both solid strikers, this match up will have viewers waiting for a strong finish. Will Leitch hold onto his title under the big lights of the HEX cage? Or will Field get the upper hand and take the belt himself?
Joined by some highly anticipated pro matchups, following a cracking amateur undercard, the HEX LOCKDOWN will be one to watch!
Tickets are available and we’re confident and hopeful that capacity restrictions increase which will allow punters and fans to enjoy Hex LIVE – get yours now as this will be another SOLD OUT event.